On May 10, 2024, the A. James Clark School of Engineering awarded the Humble Hero Staff Award to Anne Bongermino, Instructional Designer for MAGE.
The Humble Hero Staff Award is given to an exempt or non-exempt staff member of the Clark School who subtly makes a difference. This individual consistently provides outstanding service and goes above and beyond the scope of their role with no expectation of formal recognition.
During her last semester of graduate school, Anne wanted to do something innovative to improve the MAGE program as part of her final project. This turned into the creation and implementation of the Assistant Lecturer training program which includes asynchronous and synchronous training, in addition to peer review. This training program has been an asset since being added to MAGE’s services. Additionally, Anne served as the point person for the MAGE staff as they implemented Monday.com, a new project management system, throughout the office. She volunteered to be one of two staff members to complete a Monday.com Training Certification in order to help train others. Overall, Anne serves as a behind-the-scenes force for MAGE.